"The Pearl Snaps" is a legal, fully protected United States FEDERAL trademark, serial number 86438156 USPTO. Any other use by a person(s) or entity is unlawful without consent and written permission. The Pearl Snaps is a DBA in Travis and Williamson counties in Texas and subject to all rights and privileges.
6 www.thepearlsnaps.com © All Rights Reserved
"The Pearl Snaps" is a legal, fully protected United States FEDERAL trademark, serial number 86438156 USPTO. Any other use by a person(s) or entity is unlawful without consent and written permission. The Pearl Snaps is a DBA in Travis and Williamson counties in Texas and subject to all rights and privileges.
6 www.thepearlsnaps.com © All Rights Reserved
The Pearl Snaps can help make any event really special! If you're looking for real classic country dance hall music, you've found it. Through the years, we've helped people create authentic Texas experiences for people from all over the world. Two stepping, waltz, line dance, you name it. We can also provide dance lessons for your group.
To get in contact, you can fill out this form or use the email or phone number below.